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Barrie Home Inspection Services | SCAN Home Inspection | BARRIE, ON
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Home Inspection Pricing in Barrie, ON: What You Need to Know

Updated: Jun 17

The Price of home inspection services in Barrie, ON, typically ranges from $400 to $500, depending on the size of the house.
For homes up to 2,000 sq. ft., the price is $400; for homes between 2,001 and 3,500 sq. ft., the cost is $450; and for larger homes up to 6,000 sq. ft., the inspection fee is $500. Additional services, such as inspections for multi-family units or basement apartments, incur an extra $50 charge. This transparent pricing ensures you know exactly what you're paying for, with no hidden fees.


Pricing for Home Inspection Services in Barrie, ON

Understanding the Costs and What You Get

When it comes to home inspection services in Barrie, ON, understanding the costs involved and what you’re paying for is crucial. At Scan Home Inspection, we prioritize transparency and aim to ensure you know exactly what to expect from our services.

What is a Home Inspection?

A home inspection is a comprehensive evaluation of a property’s condition. Whether you're buying a new home, maintaining your current one, or preparing to sell, a thorough inspection can save you from unexpected surprises and costly repairs down the line. Our services cover every aspect of the property, from the foundation to the roof, ensuring that no detail is overlooked.

Types of Home Inspection Services

For new homeowners, ensuring that your new property is safe and up to code is essential. Our new home inspections are designed to check everything from the ground up. We provide clear and detailed reports, giving you the full picture and peace of mind.

Condos have unique inspection needs compared to single-family homes. Our condominium inspections offer a complete assessment at a transparent cost, ensuring your investment is meticulously evaluated.

Buying a home is one of the most significant investments you will make. Our pre-purchase inspections provide a thorough evaluation, helping you make an informed decision. Our certified inspectors are dedicated to offering the highest standard of service.

Regular maintenance is key to preserving the value and safety of your home. Our maintenance inspections and consulting services help you stay on top of your home’s needs, from general upkeep to specific issues like mold inspection and testing.

Types of Home Inspection Services in Barrie

Factors Influencing Home Inspection Pricing

Several factors influence the cost of a home inspection in Barrie, ON. Understanding these factors can help you better prepare for the costs involved.

Size of the Home

The larger the home, the more there is to inspect, and therefore, the higher the cost. At Scan Home Inspection, our pricing is straightforward:

  • Homes up to 2,000 sq. ft.: $400

  • Homes 2,001 - 3,500 sq. ft.: $450

  • Homes 3,501 - 6,000 sq. ft.: $500

Type of Property

Different types of properties may require different inspection approaches. For example, inspecting a condominium involves different challenges compared to a single-family home. For properties with multiple family units or a basement apartment, an additional $50 is added to the base rate due to the extra work involved.

Additional Services

Specialized services like mold inspection and testing, radon testing, and asbestos inspection can add to the cost but are essential for a thorough evaluation. These services help ensure that every potential issue is identified and addressed.

Why Transparent Pricing Matters

We pride ourselves on providing clear, upfront pricing. There are no hidden fees, and our clients appreciate knowing exactly what they are paying for. This transparency builds trust and ensures that you feel confident in the service you’re receiving.

The Value of a Home Inspection

Investing in a home inspection is about more than just getting a report. It’s about peace of mind and informed decision-making. Our detailed reports provide a complete picture of your property’s condition, helping you make smart choices whether you’re buying, selling, or maintaining a home.


Choosing the Right Home Inspection Service in Barrie

Selecting the right home inspection service is crucial to ensuring you receive a thorough and accurate evaluation of your property. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing a home inspection service in Barrie.

Certification and Experience

It's essential to choose a certified home inspector with the proper qualifications. At Scan Home Inspection, our team is certified and fully insured, with extensive experience in the field. We adhere to the highest industry standards, ensuring that our inspections are comprehensive and reliable.

Reputation and Reviews

Reputation matters when selecting a home inspection service. Look for companies with positive reviews and testimonials from previous clients. At Scan Home Inspection, we pride ourselves on our excellent customer feedback. Our clients appreciate our thoroughness, attention to detail, and commitment to quality.

Sample Reports

A sample report can give you an idea of what to expect from a home inspection. Our detailed reports are clear, concise, and easy to understand. They provide a complete overview of the property’s condition, highlighting any issues or areas that may require attention.

Customer Service

Good customer service is key to a positive home inspection experience. We believe in providing excellent customer support from the moment you contact us. Whether you have questions before, during, or after the inspection, our team is here to help.

Scheduling and Payment

Easy and Flexible Scheduling

Booking an inspection with Scan Home Inspection is straightforward and flexible. We understand that your time is valuable, so we offer prompt scheduling to accommodate your needs. Whether you need a weekend appointment or an early morning slot, we strive to fit into your schedule.

Payment Methods and Policies

We offer several payment methods to make the process as convenient as possible. Our policies are clear, with no hidden fees. You can pay via credit card, debit card, or online transfer. Full payment is typically due upon completion of the inspection, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the inspection fee?

Our inspection fee includes a comprehensive evaluation of the property. We examine all major systems and components, including the foundation, roof, electrical systems, plumbing, HVAC, and more. You will receive a detailed, written report outlining our findings.

Are there any additional costs?

Additional costs only apply if you opt for extra services, such as mold inspection or if the property is a multi-family unit or has a basement apartment. These additional services are clearly outlined in our pricing structure to avoid any surprises.

Can I follow along during the inspection?

Yes, we encourage clients to join us during the inspection. This allows you to see firsthand what we are looking at and ask any questions you may have. It's a great opportunity to learn more about your property and understand any potential issues.

Do I receive a written report? When?

Yes, you will receive a detailed, written report of the inspection. We typically deliver the report within 24 hours of the inspection. The report includes photographs, descriptions of any issues found, and recommendations for further action if necessary.

What should I wear to the inspection?

We recommend wearing comfortable clothing and sturdy shoes, as you may need to walk around the property and access different areas, such as basements or attics. Your safety and comfort are important to us, so dress appropriately for the environment.

How much notice do I need to give for scheduling an inspection?

We strive to accommodate your schedule as best as possible. While we recommend booking at least a few days in advance, we understand that sometimes last-minute inspections are necessary. Contact us, and we'll do our best to find a convenient time for your inspection.


Understanding the pricing for home inspection services in Barrie, ON, is essential for making informed decisions about your property. At Scan Home Inspection, we provide transparent, upfront pricing and detailed, thorough inspections to ensure your peace of mind. Whether you're buying a new home, selling your current one, or simply maintaining your property, our services are designed to meet your needs.


Ready to schedule your home inspection? Contact Scan Home Inspection today for a personalized quote and take the first step towards ensuring your home’s safety and value. Visit our website or call us to book your inspection now! Don’t forget to check out our blog for more tips and information on home maintenance and inspection.

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